MTV 2018 Grant


Since 2005, we’ve been giving out small sums of money to young people we believe in, trust, and are genuinely inspired by. They have one thing in common: they’re fighting to beat HIV in their local communities in the most innovative ways.

An MTV Staying Alive Foundation Grant comes with a small amount of funding, Staying Alive training materials, a small fund to buy technical media equipment, a personal grant manager, as well as training and development.

We support organisations led by young people between the ages of 15 and 27 that work in HIV prevention. We’re interested in organisations that are start-ups and do not have much support, financial or otherwise. We are much more likely to fund an organisation that has little or no existing funding to date, rather than those with several funders on board.

Our call for applications is now open! The deadline for submission is 19 January 2018 at 12pm GMT. If successful at stage 1, applicants will be invited to submit a more detailed application. Final grant winners will be announced in July 2018.
To ensure you are eligible for a grant please read the criteria below, and if you have any questions please contact us at

Grants will be awarded to small, youth-led organisations that:
  1. Are entirely led by young people under the age of 27
  2. Are community-based, grassroots organisations
  3. Educate and/or give out responsible and accurate information about HIV and AIDS targeted at young people in their communities
  4. Eliminate or alleviate the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS
  5. Encourage young people to take concrete action to protect themselves from HIV infection
  6. Demonstrate innovation and creativity in their activities
  7. Reflect and honour the culture in which the project operates
  8. We are particularly, but not exclusively, looking to fund organisations who work with key at risk populations, including adolescent girls, LGBTs, sex workers, prisoners and injecting drug users.

We will not fund:
  1. Organisations that work with young people but which are not led entirely by young people
  2. Scholarships or college fees
  3. Doctoral or other research
  4. Projects that discriminate against people because of religion, sex, race, disability or sexual orientation
  5. Projects that focus only on abstinence as a means of controlling the spread of HIV
  6. Projects with budgets that primarily reflect a focus on capital expenditure, eg erecting buildings, creating physical infrastructure (schools, orphanages, community centres, etc) or purchasing of major equipment (such as vehicles
  7. Projects with a primary focus on delivering health care, shelter, food security or other non-education focused development initiatives
All Staying Alive Foundation grant applicants must agree to allow the Staying Alive Foundation and MTV to promote and publicise their projects. We will use compelling grantee stories to inspire other young people.


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